
All students from overseas who are under the age of 18 years are required by Australian Law to have a guardian while in Australia. The guardian can be an appropriate adult family member or the Principal of the school.

If the Principal of AIS is the formal guardian, then AIS requires that parents should register with a recognised third-party provider of quality and reliable guardianship support.

AIS recommends either Student Guardianship Services (SGS) or International Student Alliance (ISA) for guardianship support.

Please refer to AIS's Guardianship and Homestay Policy for more information.
SGS works extensively with local Adelaide schools to support these schools through providing comprehensive welfare arrangements for international students under the age of 18.

SGS’s custodial team members all hold the mandatory “Responding to Abuse and Neglect” certificate required by the Australian Government. SGS will allocate a supporting staff member who is bilingual in both English and the student’s native language so that they can best support the student. SGS also provides timely communication with their homes.

SGS’s 24/7 service includes airport pick-up and drop-off, accommodation arrangements (if required), local briefings, homestay visits, holiday arrangements, emergency assistance support, as well as support with academic follow-up or school meetings, counselling advice, etc.

For more information please visit
ISA has a team of independent multilingual carers whom the student can rely upon for guidance, advice, and support on a range of issues, including academic progress, coaching, personal welfare, social and emotional issues, financial guidance, general safety, and security.

They have their own Safe Student App, which is an app designed for students to seek for help in case of an emergency. This app will directly contact the emergency services and notify them.

For more information please visit

Apply For Admission

Thank you for considering Adelaide International School for your child’s education. You can contact us on Phone: +61(0)8 8123 1786 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.